1967 MHS.jpg

About two weeks ago, a woman reached out asking me for a last minute gift for her class reunion. Her sister had given her a set of coasters I had made and she wondered if I could create customized coasters for her classmates. She told me almost everyone in her high school graduating class has turned or will be turning 70 this year so they were celebrating that milestone together. She is coordinating the effort and, in addition to the coasters, will be presenting special items to the person who traveled the farthest to get to the reunion, the first person to respond to the invitation, someone who is having their birthday that day, etc. I was struck by how monumental it is that they are still getting together over 50 years after graduating high school! When I created these coasters, I hand painted each one. Because of that, there’s slight variation in all of them but I think that’s reflective of the people in the class as well— they came from the same place but they all have variations and those distinctions are what they are celebrating as they gather together. Congrats to all of them on this next milestone!

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