New shop hours: by appointment only! (original blog date April 19, 2024)

When we moved to Morganton in 2021, I was excited to reestablish the business that I had operated in New Jersey since 2000. I began the process of renovating my store front and have met so many wonderful people in the community over the course of these busy and joyful 3 years. However, one thing I’ve struggled with since we moved here is time. Being the only one to run the shop while making the artwork is tricky. My commissioned work has always been my priority— after all, my business name is Paradise CUSTOM glass— and those custom pieces require more focus. I’m also craving extra time to be outside in nature, soaking up creative inspiration in Nature’s Playground. Balancing time to make art, run the shop, and enjoy life is my goal. That’s why I’ve decided to change my business hours to be by appointment. This will give me time to focus on all the essential elements that bring my glasswork to life for my customers.

Here’s my new plan:

  • My shop will be open for the Morganton Art Crawl events that happen the third Thursday of every month from 4-7:30 pm.

  • When I am inside the shop and able to welcome in visitors, you’ll see my new welcome sign (pictures above) out front.

  • I will gladly schedule a time for you to come in, or for me to come to your home,.to explore commissioned work.

  • You’ll see a new sign with a QR code on the door so you can easily link to my calendar and schedule an appointment.

.I’m looking forward to this pivot to be able to focus on creating beautiful art for you and living the life I want. Cheers to change!

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