Lam white.jpg
Lam Grey.jpg

both photos credit Image Up Studio

I have to admit it— I made a mistake with this last commission. My client and I met a few times as her project developed. We worked through the design part first, and after a series of tweaks, I created this ribbon pattern. Then we met to decide what glass she would like. She wanted the glass to be dense to obscure what was behind the cabinet doors and she wanted to keep the colors simple: red, gray, and white. Then at some point in the discussion, I misheard her saying she wanted the gray glass to be the background and the red and white to be the ribbons. I went back to my studio and created the windows the way I thought she said she wanted them with white glass as the background and red and gray as the ribbons. It wasn’t until I sent her the photo from my October 25 blog that we realized we had a problem. At that point, all three windows were finished and ready to be installed. I had another job with a Christmas deadline and there was no easy way to fix them so I made a crazy suggestion: I asked if she wanted me to install them so she could live with them and see how they felt in her space. Then I asked if she’d mind if I had my photographer friend, David Glasofer, come and take some photos. David is a Photoshop whiz and I knew he could manipulate the images to show her how the windows would look with the colors flipped. She agreed and the top photo shows the windows as they actually look in her gorgeous kitchen. The bottom photo is the one David created in Photoshop but we never even got to that point. She emailed me a few days later to say how much she and her husband love them just the way they are! As a creator of custom work, my goal is always to please my customer. But that is filtered through my artistic sense which filled in my missing mental information about how this project should look. Ultimately it worked out for the best- she has windows she loves and says they fit seamlessly into their kitchen.

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