Next week will mark 4 months that we have been in North Carolina; it feels both much shorter and much longer. The demolition/ construction has progressed in fits and starts which adds to the strange feeling about time. Some of the most labor intensive work hasn’t been much to look at— moving plumbing pipes, roughing in electric, applying the intumescent paint as a fire barrier to the ceiling— but it’s all necessary to have a functioning, safe, and beautiful building. This week was a big change visually and culminated in building the only walls we are putting in (the rest we took out). Now I almost have a functioning, ADA compliant bathroom! Another exciting improvement is the addition of a 240 electrical outlet that will allow me to plug in my larger kiln. The kiln, my work benches, glass, and all my tools and supplies are still packed in a Pack Rat which sits behind our building, waiting for the construction to be finished enough to move everything inside. This week I was finally able to commit to a date that the Pack Rat will be empty and ready for pick up. Scheduling that date and also the date for my opening feels super scary since we still have a long way to go. But I am putting it out to the universe— Paradise Custom Glass will open for business at 123 W. Union St. in Morganton, NC on Saturday, November 27 at 10 am! That is Small Business Saturday and I often had an open studio event in NJ on that day. This year will be much different but I am hopeful it is going to be great here too. Crossing all my fingers and toes…

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