Lately when I’ve been asked, “How’s the renovation coming along?” I sigh because there’s no short answer. Some days are great, other days there are a lot of what keeps being referred to as “pandemic delays.” The problem is we are TRYING to open a week from tomorrow. So any delay pushes that goal into the distance. But I still have hope— not that construction will be perfectly finished but that we will have enough done that we can get a temporary certificate of occupancy to open the doors for Small Business Saturday. Many shops in Morganton are working together to promote shopping locally and I don’t want to miss out on the fun. I’ve also put it out to the Universe that I am going to be open on November 27 and I hate to go back on my word. I keep asking the tradespeople for confirmation that things will be finished in time and one of them responded with the most honest, wishy washy answer, “Maybe, might be.” As you can see in the photo, today there is drywall being hung. The plastic sheeting is hiding the flooring that was installed last week and the plumber, the HVAC guys, and the electrician all have been here almost every day. But everything take time and, with Thanksgiving next week, time is very tight. I am still acting as if I will be opening— making more glass art, painting display tables, and trying to find things in the Pack Rat that seemed to have gone missing. I REALLY hope to open my doors next Saturday but truthfully all I can say is, “maybe, might be.”

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