Goldstone flowers 1 .jpg

A few weeks ago, a client reached out asking if I had any sculptures available. He and his wife met me at the Junebug Artfest a few years ago; her birthday was coming up and he wanted to surprise her with a sculpture. He came over and looked around but didn’t see exactly what he was looking for. I was getting close to completing a stained glass window commission and knew I would have a little gap of time to possibly squeeze in something. I thought it would be a fun, refreshing project to work on before I started in on another window commission so I offered to create something new for her. I pulled out some rusty metal that I had collected and started fiddling around with how I might put it together. Having seen a piece I created with a railroad spike and glass flower, he asked if I could make it similar to that but larger. I found a rusty bucket and thought that would make a solid base to “plant” the flowers in. I started with the glass elements and made a few different flower shapes and started putting them together. Then I started welding the steel at varying heights to make an interesting bouquet. When I attached the glass flowers onto the steel stems, I got a little bit of a Dr. Seuss vibe! I love the way the strong, weathered steel offsets the delicate glass. I delivered it to them at their house this morning and she was so happy! Since it can be placed either inside or outside, they have lots of options or where to put it but she said she would like it to be near her home office so she can see it every day. Happy birthday, Anne!

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