
For the second time, Transformations Gallery at the Old Franklin Schoolhouse is hosting a show featuring the artwork of a father and daughter. In 2015, Michael and Micayla Bransfield, both painters, exhibited in a show called “Linewalking.” Our current show features the work of Ron Villegas, a photographer and his daughter, Chelsea Villegas, an encaustic painter, in a beautiful show titled, “lineage.” It’s always interesting to see if there are shared themes, techniques, or subject matter that family members explore. When Chelsea and Ron were hanging their show, I was struck by how different these two artists seem, with regard to their artwork as well as personalities. And yet as I studied each of their work, I saw a similar quality that I am not quite sure I can put my finger on— a quietness? distance? longing? To me, there’s something that seems to connect their work despite the obvious differences in media and subject matter. Their opening reception is this Sunday, February 16 from 1-4 pm. I’d encourage you to come to Transformations, meet the artists, listen to the music (Ron is also a musician and will be playing live), and see if you can recognize the threads that run through this family. The event is free and open to the public— hope to see you there!

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