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This is my first new window commission since the start of quarantine. When March began, I was working on 4 windows for a historic home, I was putting the finishing touches on a kitchen sculpture, and I needed to complete a commission for an 85th birthday present, and a jewelry box for a bat mitzvah. As I finished each project, I kept wondering what effect the pandemic would have on my business. For a few weeks, it felt like we all collectively held our breath. As my work flow slowed, I kept myself busy creating a mosaic for my studio and played around making glass for a sculpture and some creative projects that are still works in progress. And then I received an email asking if I could make a transom for some homeowners who were busy working on a number of improvements to their home. They were comfortable taking measurements and said that they would be happy to do the installation themselves. One of the most critical parts of creating a custom stained glass window is the measurements. If the stained glass window is to be fitted into an existing opening, an exact measurement is crucial. Since these homeowners were tackling the installation themselves, I knew they would be precise. So we proceeded to work out the details of inspiration, design, and glass colors and this is how it’s developing. Since then, I have gotten another commission for a window and this time the client doesn’t feel confident with his measuring so I will be going to his home, with my mask on, for that. I feel grateful that my small business seems to be fairing well despite the pandemic. But it has definitely raised my awareness of the need to keep supporting all small businesses. If you can, I hope you will join me in #shoppingsmall. This is something we can all do to help our communities.

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