The magic of a photograph

In the past 5 weeks while construction has been happening in the front of my shop, I have been busily working in the back. I love creating commissions and have finished 4 in that time! Before we moved from New Jersey, I was fortunate to work with a local photographer, David Glasofer of Image Up Studio, who beautifully photographed almost all of my work. Since relocating to Western North Carolina, I hadn’t found anyone who captured my work in the way I wanted. Photographing glass isn’t easy— the transparency, intense colors, and different textures makes it a challenge. And while I am an artist, my medium is glass not photography so for most of my images, I need to rely on a professional. During this construction time, I am fortunate to have found a photographer in Morganton who does a beautiful job capturing my work. John S. Payne Photography took this image of my most recent commission and I’m thrilled with the way it turned out. In the same way I am grateful for our construction team that is doing such a careful job installing the steel beams in the front of my shop, I am thrilled to have found a professional studio photographer who knows how to make my work look beautiful.

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